Keyboard legs for the Clavia Nord Stage 76/88 - Nord Electro 3HP - Nord Piano The Clavia Nord Legs are a set of 4 all-metal cl...
Keyboard stand, made in Germany, anodized aluminium, for 4 keyboards. Suitable for travel and tour! All storage places are adj...
MGM RS Case KURZWEIL SP4-8 mit Rollen
Endlich ein St?nder, der dem Pegasus Wing ein professionelles Aussehen verleiht!
Der K&M 18817 Universalhalter kann als Erweiterung f?r die K&M Klapptische 18950 und 18953 vielf?ltige Funktionen ?bernehmen. ...
Original HAMMOND-Keyboardst?nder, perfekt f?r die HAMMOND SK2
Extremely robust keyboard stand for heavy keyboards, easily foldable. The JASPERS 3D-145S keyboard stand offers space for thr...
compatible f?r Musicstore B-88/B-88 for KB-2/KB-2P
Extremely robust keyboard stand for heavy keyboards, easily foldable. The JASPERS 3D-145B keyboard stand offers space for thr...
Keyboard stand, made in Germany, anodized aluminium, for 2 keyboards. Suitable for travel and tour! All storage places are adj...